We kindly invite you to submit papers for the twentieth of the ISCIS
series of conferences that bring together computer scientists and
engineers from around the world. This year's conference will be held
in Istanbul. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Computational Intelligence
Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics
Computer Networks
Information Retrieval
Internet and Multimedia
Operating Systems
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Performance Evaluation
Programming Languages and Algorithms
Security and Cryptography
Software Engineering
Theory of Computing
This year we especially welcome papers in the areas of e-commerce
(including web services and service-oriented computing, auctions,
reputation and recommender systems, personalization and privacy,
mobile commerce), multi-agent systems (including agent coordination
and cooperation, agent communication, agent networks, agents and
complex systems, trust and reputation, agents on the web, multi-agent
simulation and modeling, industrial agent applications), satellite
networks (including architectures, simulation and modeling, on-board
processing and switching, internet services over satellite, advances
in coding, modulation schemes, satellite security), and sensor
networks (including deployment, localization, synchronization, link
characteristics, MAC protocols and routing, capacity and lifetime
optimization, security). There will be invited talks and tutorials
given by leading researchers in these fields.