The 4th Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING4), is going to be held at Wydzial Informatyki i Zarzadzania (Faculty of Computer Science and Management) Politechnika Wroclawska (Wroclaw University of Technology) in Wroclaw, Poland, from the 26th to 28th June 2008, organised by Politechnika Wroclawska.
SING4 is the fourth in the series of successful Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meetings on Game Theory and the first one to be held in Poland. SING, the first in this series took place in 2005 at Maastricht University (Netherlands), the second one, SING2, took place in 2006 at Foggia University (Italy) and the third one, SING3, took place in 2007 at Madrid.
The conference program will consist of some invited lectures and contributed papers. Contributions from all over the world are invited and solicited. The meeting is set out to attract specialists with different backgrounds and interests covering all aspects of Game Theory, its applications and its practice. The language of the meeting will be English.