The MESM'2006 International Middle Eastern Multiconference on Simulation and Modelling is the eighth conference in the MESM series and is organized by De Montfort University and members of the European Simulation Society. One of the major aims of this conference is to bring people from various parts of the Middle East in contact with colleagues working in modeling & simulation from around the world (e.g..Europe, USA, Canada, Far East etc.). The other aim is to establish a local technical society in the Middle East and to integrate these into a wider Network of Simulation Excellence, a first meeting of which will be held in March 2006 in Belgium. This conference, is sponsored by, De Montfort University (UK), Ghent University , EUROSIS, ETI as well as IEEE UKRI - SPC
The conference covers the following subjects.
Modelling and Simulation Methodology
Modelling And Analysis Methodology
Complex Systems Modelling
Simulation of Networks and Communication Systems Simulation
Simulation of Signal and Image Processing
Energy Systems Simulation
Simulation in Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering
Multimedia and Virtual Reality Systems
Decision Processing in Management
Modelling and Simulation for Biomedical Applications
Modelling and Simulation for Industrial Applications (Manufacturing, Robotics etc...)
Simulation in Logistics, Traffic, Transport and Harbour Simulation
Simulation for the Built Environment
Web-based Simulation
Software Engineering and Simulation in Information Processing
Simulation in Fuzzy Systems Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Simulation and Graphics in Archaeology
Simulation projects in the Arab World