CALL FOR Participation
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference
The Thirteenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining will take place in San Jose, CA, USA from August 12 through 15, 2007
Visit the conference web site at http://www.kdd2007.com
KDD is the premier international meeting on knowledge discovery and data mining. The conference provides a forum for academic researchers, industry and government innovators to share their results and experiences. The 2007 program includes the best of research track and industrial paper and panel presentations, implemented software demos, posters, workshops, and tutorials followed by the esteemed KDD Cup competition.
Special rates are available for ACM/SIGKDD members
This year's competition involves making predictions from over 100 million movie ratings collected by Netflix. Full details available at http://www.cs.uic.edu/~liub/Netflix-KDD-Cup-2007.html
a Leading practitioners, researchers, companies, and government organizations will present their latest and greatest enhancements relating to knowledge discovery and data mining.
a Topics include social network analysis, visual data mining, security and privacy issues, semantic web mining, temporal and spatial mining, novel algorithms, high performance and grid computing, text and semi-structured data mining, and much much more.
Exhibit Hall
Software vendors, book publishers and consulting firms will be demonstrating their wares throughout the 3 day event. Come see the latest technology developments.
a Data Mining and Audience Intelligence for Advertising (ADKDD'07)
a Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD'07)
a KDD Cup and Workshop 2007
a Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data
a Privacy, Security, and Trust in KDD (PinKDD'07)
a Web Mining and Social Network Analysis (WebKDD/SNA-KDD '07)
a Data Mining Case Studies and Data Mining Practice Prize
a Data Mining Standards, Services and Platforms
a Domain Driven Data Mining (DDDM2007)
a Multimedia Data Mining
a Mining Multiple Information Sources
a Workshop and Challenge on Time Series Classification
a Mining Large Time-evolving Data Using Matrix and Tensor Tools
a A Statistical Framework for Mining Data Streams
a Statistical Modeling of Relational Data
a From Trees to Forests and Rule Sets -- A Unified Overview of Ensemble Methods.
a Learning Bayesian Networks
a Mining Shape and Time Series Databases with Symbolic Representations.
Come and join us at KDD and enjoy your stay in San Jose, CA in the heart of northern California's largest city. The conference will take place at the Fairmont Hotel, blending historic grandeur with all the high-tech excitement of Silicon Valley.