The convergence of these three conference streams will provide a unique opp=
ortunity for professionals and researchers who are interested in computing,=
information technologies, and decision making applications in a wide range=
of civil engineering disciplines to come together. It will provide an oppo=
rtunity to learn, share and exchange about the latest developments and rese=
arch about this fast pace field. Montreal's unique mix of old world charm, =
French joie de vivre and modern style will provide an unforgettable backdro=
p to this happening.
Original research papers are solicited on the design, development and use o=
f computing, IT, and decision support systems in the domain of civil, build=
ing, and urban engineering. Suggested topics include, but are not limited =
- AI/Machine Learning
- Applied Computer Vision
- Computing Advances in Building, Civil, and Urban Engineering
- Augmented and Virtual Reality
- Automation/Robotics
- Case Studies in the use of IT
- Computer-Aided Construction
- Computer-Aided Education
- Computer Supported Collaborative Work
- Conceptual Design Support
- Decision Support Systems
- Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery with IT
- Distributed Computing in Engineering
- Geographical Information Systems
- Human Computer Interaction and Graphics
- IT for Monitoring and Maintenance of Infrastructure
- Intelligent Construction Site
- Multi-Agents Systems
- Sensors Networks/Instrumentation
- Simulation and Modeling
- Structural Control
- Support Systems for Interactive Design
- Voice and Image Recognition Applications
- Others
Applied to:
- Building Design, Construction, and Operation
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Environmental Engineering
- Infrastructure Life-cycle Management
- Structural Engineering
- Sustainability
- Urban Engineering
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of 500 words to the Conference Se=
cretariat as soon as possible, but not later than October 24, 2005. The abs=
tract should indicate clearly the aims and conclusions of the works to be i=
ncluded in the final paper. Both abstracts and final papers will be peer r=
eviewed. Instructions and formats for submitting the abstract will follow s=
hortly on the Web site of the conference: http://www.icccbexi.ca
Proposals for sessions are also welcome. The session moderator will need to=
submit the following information to the Conference Secretariat: full conta=
ct information of the moderator of the session; a session description (100-=
200 words); full contact information for the main author of each paper in t=
he session; the title of each paper (3 to 5 papers) and an abstract of each=
paper (500 words).