We invite you to submit research contributions representing ongoing or completed work to the Group Decision and Negotiation - GDN 2012, the 12th international meeting in the GDN sequence, to be held in Recife, Brazil, on May 20 - 24, 2012 (http://www.cdsid.org.br/gdn2012/).
Authors can submit abstracts, full papers and session proposals:
- Extended Abstracts provide a summary of ongoing or completed research and are no more than 1,500 words in length.
- Full papers provide a detailed account of completed research and are no more than 6,000 words in length.
- Session proposals group three or four papers (either extended abstracts or full papers) that address a GDN-relevant theme. The proposal briefly outlines the theme of the session and lists the abstracts and/or papers with titles and authors. The actual abstracts and papers are submitted separately.
The program committee will review all submissions. The GDN 2012 Proceedings will include all accepted extended abstracts and full papers.
There will be a Special Issue of the journal Group Decision and Negotiation containing the best papers presented at the GDN 2012 conference. These best papers considered for journal Group Decision and Negotiation will pass on an additional round of reviews.
Important dates:
September 15, 2011 Open Submissions for extended abstracts, full papers, session proposals and Doctoral Consortium
November 03, 2011 Deadline for submitting Session proposals
November 15, 2011 Deadline for submitting extended abstracts and full papers
December 15, 2011 Deadline for Doctoral Consortium
February 15, 2012 Communication of acceptance of extended abstracts and papers
February 28, 2012 Early Registration deadline
May 20 -24, 2012 Conference dates
Conference officers
General chairs
Melvin F. Shakun, New York University, USA
Marc Kilgour, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Program chair
Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Organizing chair
Danielle Morais, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil