Advances in information technology and data collection methods have led to the availability of large data sets in commercial
enterprises and in a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. Examples of such large data sets in the scientific domain are
genomic data (Biology), climate data (Earth Sciences), sky survey data (Astronomy), and computational simulations that run on high
performance computers. In the commercial domain, the use of bar codes in commercial outlets, the computerization of business
transactions, and the explosion of e-businesses are also providing a flood of data.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to analyze this data and extract intelligent and useful information. The field of data mining
draws upon extensive work in areas such as statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, databases, and high performance
computing to discover interesting and previously unknown information in data sets.
This conference will provide a forum for presentation of recent results in data mining, including applications, algorithms, software, and
systems. The conference will feature peer reviewed, contributed papers as well invited talks. Proceedings of the conference will be
available on a CD ROM as well as online.