There is a recent trend to study probabilistic extensions of traditional concepts of automata-theory and logics. The applications of such probabilistic formalisms cover the analysis of randomized protocols, biological systems, multi-agent systems with uncertainties, security protocols, speech recognition, logic programming, description logics for the semantic web, and many more.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers that are interested in the foundations of probabilistic automata and probabilistic logics and their applications.
The topics of interests include
* probabilistic finite or omega-automata as language-acceptors
(composition operators, algorithms, minimization, efficiency, learning
algorithms, etc.)
* probabilistic automata and variants thereof as formal models for
systems with randomization, stochastic assumptions, or uncertainties,
(specification techniques, modelling languages, equivalences and
preorders, composition operators, verification algorithms, etc.)
* logics to reason about probabilistic phenomena such as randomized
behaviors, probabilistic knowledge, uncertainties, etc. (algorithms
and proof systems for satisfiablity, axiomatization, model checking,
expressiveness, etc.)
* stochastic games
* applications of probabilistic automata or logics
Christel Baier, co-chair (University of Bonn, Germany) Anne Condon (University of British Columbia, Canada) Colin de la Higuera (University Jean Monnet at Saint-Etienne, France) Marcus Groesser, co-chair (University of Bonn, Germany) Joseph Halpern (Cornell University, USA) Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland) Thomas Lukasiewicz (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) Robert St-Aubin (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Javier Esparza (University of Stuttgart, Germany) Anatol Slissenko (University 12, Paris, France) Krishnendu Chatterjee (University of California, Berkeley, USA)