FM'06 is the fourteenth in a series of symposia organized by Formal
Methods Europe, http://www.fmeurope.org , an independent association whose
aim is to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods for
software development. The symposia have been notably successful in
bringing together innovators and practitioners in precise mathematical
methods for software development, industrial users as well as
researchers. Submissions are welcomed in the form of original papers on
research and industrial experience, proposals for workshops and
tutorials, entries for the exhibition of software tools and projects, and
reports on ongoing doctoral work.
FM'06 welcomes all aspects of formal methods research, both theoretical
and practical. We are particularly interested in the experience of
applying formal methods in practice. The broad topics of interest of
this conference are:
* Tools for formal methods: tool support and software engineering,
environments for formal methods.
* Theoretical foundations: specification and modelling, refining, static
analysis, model-checking, verification, calculation, reusable domain
* Formal methods in practice: experience with introducing formal methods
in industry, case studies.
* Role of formal methods: formal methods in hardware and system design,
method integration, development process.
Full papers should be submitted via the web site. Papers will be
evaluated by the Program Committee according to their originality,
significance, soundness, quality of presentation and relevance with
respect to the main issues of the symposium. Accepted papers will be
published in the Symposium Proceedings, to appear in Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series, http://www.springeronline.com/lncs .
Submitted papers should have not been submitted elsewhere for
publication, should be in Springer's format, (see Springer's web site),
and should not exceed 16 pages including appendices. A prize for the
best technical paper will be awarded at the symposium.
One day will be dedicated to sharing the experience -- both positive and
negative -- with using formal methods in industrial environments. The
Industry Day is organized by ForTIA, the Formal Techniques Industry
Association, http://www.fortia.org . This year's Industry Day
investigates the use of formal methods in security and trust. Invited
papers on organizational and technical issues will be presented.
Inquiries should be directed to the Industry Day Chairs; see the web site
for details.
We welcome proposals for one-day or one-and-a-half-day workshops related
to FM'06. In particular, but not exclusively, we encourage proposals for
workshops on various application domains. Proposals should be directed
to the Workshop Chair.