General Information
Monday, September 16, 2013 - Friday, September 20, 2013
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Warsaw School of Economics
Country: Poland (POL)
Country: Poland (POL)
General Email:
Event Details/Other Comments:
Scope and Interests
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Applications of agent-based modeling in social sciences
- Agent-based computational economics & finance
- Conflict resolution & cooperation
- Coupled human-natural systems
- Diffusion of innovations
- Dynamics of trust, social norm, structures, reputation & opinion
- Epidemiology & pharmacoeconomics
- Group decisions & collective behaviors
- Market design, mechanism design & auctions
- Privacy, safety & security
- Public policy & regulatory issues
- Resource management, environmental practices & policy
- Social emergence & evolution of institutions
- Social media and volunteered information
- Social networks and their dynamics
Tools and methods for development of simulation models
- Advanced distributed computing
- Agent ontologies
- Agent-embodied Artificial Intelligence
- Model replication, verification & validation
- Participatory & Human-in-the-Loop simulations
- Simulation software & programming computational frameworks
Techniques for visualizing, interpreting and analyzing simulation outputs
- Coupling simulations and optimization methods
- Data analysis software for simulations
- Experiment design and data farming for simulations
- Simulation metamodels
- Statistical & data mining techniques for simulated data
- Full paper - in the length of 10 to 12 pages, which should be comprehensive and consists of detailed presentation of theory, methodology and simulation results
- Extended abstract - in the length of 3 to 4 pages, which presents the current topic in progress with enough detail to ensure proper evaluation
- Poster - should present the current work in progress
Contributions can be submitted to general session or the following
special tracks:
- Adaptive behavior , social interactions and global environmental change: an agent-based perspective (chairs: T. Filatova, G. Polhill, R. van Duinen)
- Applications of computational social science in conflict and sensitive contexts (chair: A. Geller)
- Business applications of computational social science (chair: M. Łatek)
- Heterogeneity and interaction in macroeconomic modeling (chair: G. Koloch)
- Social simulation of science processes (chair: F. Squazzoni)
- Statistical analysis of simulation models (chair: B. Kamiński)
- Using qualitative rules to inform behavioral rules (chair: B. Edmonds)
Important dates
Registration opens: 1 January 2013
Paper submission closes: 1 March 2013
Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2013
Final manuscript due: 15 May 2013
Paper publication
- Accepted full papers will be published by Springer in the conference proceedings series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing", http://www.springer.com/series/11156 (indexed by ISI Proceedings, DBLP, Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, MetaPress, Springerlink).
- Authors of selected full papers or extended abstracts will be invited to submit their extended version for special issue of Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics, http://cejeme.org/ (indexed by IndexCopernicus, IC Value in 2011: 4.85 and RePEc).
- Full paper abstracts, extended abstracts and poster summaries will be posted on conference website.
Local organizing committee contact: [email protected]
Conference website: http://www.essa2013.org