Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS/BioMaPS/MB Center Special Focus on Information Processing in Biology.
Bioinformatics aims to solve biological problems by using techniques from mathematics, statistics, computer science, and machine learning. Recent years have observed the essential use of these techniques in this rapidly growing field. Examples of such applications include those to gene expression data analysis, gene-protein interactions, protein folding and structure prediction, genetic and molecular networks, sequence and structural motifs, genomics and proteomics, text mining in bioinformatics, and so on. Bioinformatics provides opportunities for developing novel machine learning techniques; and machine learning plays a key role in advancing bioinformatics. The workshop is devoted to computational challenges of important biological problems. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in both machine learning and bioinformatics to discuss state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and their applications to various tasks in bioinformatics.
Call for Participation:
Majority of the talks are by invitation only. Submissions of titles and abstracts are invited for possible presentation as a contributed formal talk or a poster presentation. Please email the title and abstract to the organizers, Dechang Chen ([email protected]) and Xue-Wen Chen ([email protected]) by March 10, 2006.
Registration is open to all.
Financial Support: Limited financial support in the form of registration fee waiver and partial travel support may be provided to a few students on a competitive basis. Priorities will be given to participants who will present either contributed talks or posters.
Pre-registration deadline: July 3, 2006
Please see website for additional registration information.