A Computational Symposium will be held in conjunction with Constraint Programming 2002 at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY USA
September 7-8, 2002. The purpose of this Symposium is to encourage research on computational methods for combinatorial
optimization problems, to evaluate alternative approaches using a common testbed, and to stimulate discussion on present and
future directions in computational combinatorial optimization.
The Symposium will be on the topic "Graph Coloring and its Generalizations". This topic was chosen due to the wide applicability
of graph coloring and the variety of solution approaches that have been proposed. This symposium builds off of a DIMACS
Computational Challenge from the fall of 1993, where graph coloring was one of the problems addressed. In addition to the
basic graph coloring problem, results are also solicited for the related problems of "multi-coloring" (assigning multiple colors to
each node) and bandwidth allocation models (those with minimum difference requirements on the colors on adjacent nodes).