This years conference is sponsored by the Yale Center for Customer Insights and the Marketing Science Institute. This two-day conference will bring together academics and practioners who will present papers on , Understanding Customer Choices, Metrics & Marketing Strategy, New Product Innovations, Maximizing Brand Performance, Competitive Marketing Strategies, and Marketplace Impact.
The conference committee is comprised of Ravi Dhar, Subrata Sen, K. Sudhir, N. Novemsky (Yale); Punam Anand Keller (Dartmouth); Rajesh Chandy (Minnesota); Choong Park (USC); Kannan Srinivasan (Carnegie Mellon); Florian Zettelmeyer (Berkeley) and Delaine Hampton (P&G). Each session will allow for the presentation of four papers.
The conference will begin with a reception on Thursday evening, May 8th , and will end at noon on Saturday, May 10th . There will be a celebratory dinner on Friday evening. The registration fee is $275. Registration begins January 15, 2008
The Yale Center for Customer Insights provides superior insight and understanding of customer behavior to enhance business and society. YCCI integrates initiatives of marketing executives from leading companies across diverse industries with the multidisciplinary and global perspectives of academic scholars from the Yale School of Management to generate valuable consumer insights.
Founded in 1961, the Marketing Science Institute is a non-profit institution dedicated to bridging the gap between marketing science theory and business practice. Currently, MSI brings together business executives from approximately 70 sponsoring corporations with leading researchers from over 100 universities worldwide. Through its financial grants, MSI supports academic research for the development and practical translation of leading-edge marketing knowledge on topics of importance to business.