Country: Italy (ITA)
CAD'13 welcomes novel contributions on the theory and application of Computer Aided Design including modeling, analysis, high-performance graphics, data management, knowledge engineering, collaborative design, reverse engineering, and prototyping. Applications include architecture, bio-medicine, civil engineering, fashion industry, industrial design, sustainable energy design, etc.
CAD'13 is truly an international conference, and we invite you to bring your research to this world audience by submitting/presenting a paper. Attendance at the conference will give you a first hand opportunity to discover the state-of-the-art in CAD and related/emerging topics.
Note: For 2013 we are initiating a two stage submission process, with conference Extended Abstracts due by Dec. 18, 2012. All Extended Abstracts will be published in the conference Final Proceedings in a format similar to the CAD12 Final Proceedings.
Authors of highest quality submissions will be invited to submit full length journal papers for archival in Computer Aided Design & Applications (www.cananda.com). Recent journal metrics are: SJR=0.033, and SNIP=0.767. To compare with similar journals in the subject field, see SJR Comparison Graph and SNIP Comparison Graph. For more information on journal metrics, see SJR and SNIP: two new journal metrics in Elsevier's Scopus.
Website of Abstract Submission: http://www.cadconferences.com/Papersubmission.html
Deadline of Extended Abstract: Dec. 18. 2012
Extended Abstract Decisions: Jan 7, 2013
Journal Paper Submission: Feb. 4, 2013
Decision of Journal Manuscript: March 11, 2013
Final Version of Paper: Apr. 12, 2013
CAD'13 Conference: June 17-20, 2013