Col-locating with IJCAI-05, the 19th Int'l Joint Conference on AI
INVITED SPEAKER: Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas at Austin
The scientific program is organized in 4 tracks:
-Application and
-Programming environments and support.
Overall, 27 presentations will be given with both plenary presentation and poster session with ample time to interact with the authors.
Furthermore, 3 open panels will be organized on current issues in ASP.
One panel will be devoted to the first presentation of the Knowledge Repository project and will be chaired by Chitta Baral, Arizona State University.
The European Working group on Answer Set Programming (WASP) is organizing
ASP'05 and will hold its annual meeting the first day, with overviews of the research activities of the participating groups.
All participants will be welcome to attend and to join the discussion.
WASP is funded by the European Union IST programme under the FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) action.
Articles presented at the Workshop will be published electronically.
Printouts will be available at the Workshop.
Early registration 20th June 2005
Final registration 1st July 2005
Workshop 27th--29th July 2005
The City of Bath is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the south west
of England.
Founded by the Romans as a thermal spa, Bath became an important centre of
the wool industry in the Middle Ages.
In the 18th century, under King George III, it developed into an elegant
town with neoclassical Palladian buildings, which blend harmoniously with
the Roman baths.
The University of Bath campus is situated in the hills surrounding the
city and is a leading UK University with an international reputation for
quality teaching and research.
Further information about the University of Bath, how to get here and
finding your way around is available.
A social programme is scheduled to allow participants to enjoy Bath and the
surrounding area at its best.
Bath can be easily reached by road, train or air.
For international participants, Bath is best served by either Bristol
International Airport (with Ryanair and Easyjet) or London Heathrow;
we discourage using any of the other London airports.
Participants also attending IJCAI 2005 after the workshop might find it
convenient to book flights between Bristol and Edinburgh.
Organizing Chair:
Marina De Vos (University of Bath, UK)
Local Organizing Committee:
Martin Brain (University of Bath, UK)
Tom Crick (University of Bath, UK)
Jonathan Needham (University of Bath, UK)
Jutta Nikel (University of Bath, UK)