2nd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media
Content for Multi-channel Distribution
sponsored by: HP, TISCALI, European Commission, AFI, EUTELSAT,
University of Leeds, University of Florence, Fondazione University
Pompeo Fabra, ACIT, EXITECH, FHGIGD, University of Reading, GIUNTI iLABS,
Bordas and Nathan, Strategica, XIM, etc.
In the era of the digital world and the Internet, cross-media production,
business models and distribution are being powerfully supported and pushed
forward by the emergent technologies that help the industry to reduce the
cost of media production and distribution, while optimising productivities.
AXMEDIS2006 aims to explore all subjects and topics related to cross-media
and digital-media content production, processing, management, standards,
representation, sharing, protection and rights management, to address the
latest developments and future trends of the technologies and their
applications, impacts and exploitation. We are particularly interested in
exchanging concepts, requirements, prototypes, research ideas, and findings
which could contribute to academic research and also benefit business and
industrial communities.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
* Automatic cross-media production, collection, crawling, composition,
formatting, P2P, etc.
* Formats and models for multi-channel content distribution
* Multimedia standards, e.g. MPEG-7, MPEG-21, DMP, etc.
* High quality audio visual coding
* Multimedia music representation and formatting
* Watermarking and fingerprinting techniques
* GRID and distributed systems for content production
* real-time streaming media distribution
* Multimedia middleware
* Workflow management systems
* Web services for content distribution
* Semantic Web
* Distribution with P2P architectures
* Legal aspects related to digital content
* Collecting and clearing of rights and licences
* Business, payment and transaction models
* Digital Rights Management (DRM), models tools, and interoperability
* Formats and tools for Content Aware
* Archives managements for cultural and educational applications
* Synchronisation technologies and solutions
* Systems and approaches for content production/distribution on demand
* Digital content user interface
* Digital content accessibility
* Novel applications and case-studies of relevant technologies
The conference proceedings is to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
Selected papers from the conference will be considered for publication in special
issues of one of the major peer-reviewed Journals in this domain.
- Submission due: 10 April 2006
- Conference date: 13-15 December 2006
- Conference venue: University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK