The Conference welcomes all qualified papers on scheduling and strategic planning concepts and methodology. Topics include but are not limited to:
1) Robust scheduling, 2) Integration of schedule planning with crew scheduling, revenue management, maintenance, operations,
3) Schedule generation and analysis, 4) Fleet planning and fleet assignment modeling, 5) Alliance and code share analysis, and 6) Customer modeling and demand forecasting.
In addition to the formal presentations there should be time for round-table discussions on topics chosen by the group. There will also be plenty of time for informal discussions while we are on campus.
The Airline Group of the International Federation of Operations Research Societies (AGIFORS) is a society with the avowed purpose of forwarding the practice of Operational Research in airlines. The membership consists of Operational Research workers who are also employed by recognized civil airlines. There are, in addition, correspondents who are people keenly interested in the application of Operational Research to aviation problems.