Country: United States of America (USA)
State: (USA) California
Focus and Topics
This workshop deals with quantitative approaches in Logistics and Supply ChainManagement, and focuses on the following topics (though not exclusively):
● Facility Location and Location Routing Problems
● Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
● Courier, Express, and Parcel Service Network Design
● Healthcare Logistics
● Logistics Risk Management
If your own main area of research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is not listed above, you are nevertheless very welcome to participate actively in the workshop.
Venue and Program
The workshop will take place at the beautiful Claremont Hotel Club & Spa, which is a Four-Diamond property set amid 22 acres of land with great panoramic views of the San Francisco Bay and city skyline.
All presentations will be given on October 3 and 4. The workshop dinner will take place on October 3.
Submission of Abstract
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit an abstract (1 page). Please submit the abstract no later than May 1, 2013. The notification of acceptance will be sent to you by May 15, 2013.
There will be a booklet containing the abstracts of all accepted presentations. In addition, post-conference publications of full papers are planned as follows:
Lecture Notes in Logistics (Springer Verlag). A presentation at the conference is required for submission. Deadline for submussion is Novermber 1, 2013.
A limited number of rooms at the Claremont Hotel Club Spa are available at the rates of $ 229 (Hillsideview) and $ 249 (Distinctive Bay View)
Reservation(s): Call +1 (800) 551-7266, conference code “UCB-RWTH