Country: China (CHN)
GIAMS 2012 (indexed by ISTP)
Global Information and Management Symposium
August 17-20, 2012, Shanghai, China
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2012
The 2012 Global Information and Management Symposium (2012 GIAMS) is scheduled to take place in Shanghai, China, during August 17-20, 2012. The goal of the symposium is to explore emerging topics and the future development in the fields of global information and management. The symposium also encourages academic researchers, industry professionals, business managers, and graduate students to present their latest study results, report practical case studies, and demonstrate system/website works or thoughts.
Important Dates:
Deadline for the manuscript submission: | 15 April, 2012 |
Deadline for the notification of review results: | 15 May, 2012 |
Deadline for the registration and payment: | 15 June, 2012 |
Date for the Conference: | 17-20 August, 2012 |
Paper Submission:
All papers collected in the proceedings of 2012 GIAMS will apply to be indexed in ISTP database. Please register as a new member on GIAMS website: http://www.giams.org/guide.asp and submit your abstract/full paper through the online registration system. The review process will be conducted in groups and in sequence.
Interested topics for the conference (but not limited to) are listed as follows:
Business Intelligent
Business Management
Category Management
City Management
Cloud Computing
Cloud Service
Corporate Governance
Customer Relation Management
Data Mining
Demand Analysis
Electronic Business
Energy management
Engineering Management
Finance Analysis
Human Resources
Information Management
Information Security
Information Security
Investment Analysis
Knowledge Management
Logistics Management
Marketing and Selling Skills
Mobile Commerce
Online Community
Online Marketing
Online Society
Process Management
Quality Control
Risk management
Serving Science
Strategic Management
System Analysis
Technical Innovation
Technology Management
Transportation Management
Please do not hesitate to contact us anytime by email: