MCDM for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems
The 21st century heralds an age of exponentially increasing demand for
energy and transportation services in a globalised economy. Climate
change and other environmental impacts of human economic activity
necessitate the consideration of conflicting goals in decision making
processes to develop sustainable systems. The science of multiple
criteria decision making has a lot to offer in addressing this need. The
International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is
organising its 19th International Conference under the theme MCDM for
Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems.
Abstracts are now called for and should be submitted by email to
[email protected]. All areas of MCDM are welcome and papers
related to the theme of the conference are especially encouraged.
a Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding
a Multiple Criteria Classification, Ranking, and Sorting
a Multiple Objective Continuous and Combinatorial Optimisation
a Multiple Objective Metaheuristics
a Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Preference Modelling
a Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making