13th SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM 2006)

Event Detail

General Information
Sunday, June 25, 2006 - Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Event Details/Other Comments:

This lively and stimulating biennial meeting brings together discrete mathematicians of all flavors to discuss theory and applications.
Within discrete mathematics, themes include
Graph Theory and Matroids,
Combinatorial Algorithms,
Coding Theory and Cryptology, and
Ordered Sets
and connections to other disciplines such as
Computer Science,
Computational Biology,
Geometry, and

Planning is well under way. Plenary speakers will be
Noga Alon, Tel Aviv University and Institute for Advanced Studies
Ben Green, Clay Institute, University of Bristol, and M.I.T.
Laszlo Lovasz, Eotvos Lorand University and Microsoft Corporation
Michael Luby, Digital Fountain
John Spouge, National Institutes of Health
Rekha Thomas, University of Washington
Avi Wigderson, Institute for Advanced Studies
Gunter Ziegler, Technical University of Berlin

The meeting will also feature both Minisymposia and Contributed Presentations.
A minisymposium consists of four or five 25-minute talks focusing on a particular topic or area. Listed below by organizer are the minisymposia that have been planned thus far. There is room in the schedule for several more.
If you are interested in organizing a minisymposium, please contact the Chair of the Organizing Committee, Douglas West ([email protected]).
January 18: Official submission of minisymposium proposals (a 100-word
description and a list of speakers), via the conference web site.
February 8: Submission Abstracts for all talks (minisymposium speakers and
contributed papers), via the conference web site.
May 29: Advance registration deadline.
Confirmed Minisymposia:
Benny Sudakov, Probabilistic Combinatorics
Valentine Kabanets, Pseudorandomness
Milena Mihail, Large Sparse Graphs
Jozef Solymosi, Combinatorial Number Theory
Andreas Brandstadt, Leaf-powers of Graphs
Derek Corneil, Graph Classes
Jerry Spinrad, Graph Algorithms
Xuding Zhu, Graph Coloring
Joan Hutchinson, Topological Graph Theory
Luis Goddyn, Flows in Graphs and Matroids
Xingxing Yu and Guantao Chen, Cycles in Graphs
Felix Lazebnik and Jacques Verstraete, Turan-type Problems
Dhruv Mubayi, Extremal Combinatorics
Gyula Katona, Set Systems
Dwight Duffus, Partially Ordered Sets
Ann Trenk and Tom Trotter and Josh Laison, Memorial for Kenneth Bogart
Chris Godsil, Algebraic Graph Theory
Jesus De Loera and Pablo Parrilo, Algebraic Optimization
Rados Radoicic, Discrete Geometry
Iliya Bluskov and Malcolm Greig, Design Theory
Venkatesan Guruswami, Coding Theory
Douglas Stinson, Cryptography
Teresa Przytycka, Computational Biology