* ACM and IEEE pending upon Approval
In Conjunction with the 9th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling,
Analysis, Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems.
Submission Deadline: May 12, 2006 (hard copy or electronic paper
In its tenth anniversary year, the 2006 IEEE/ACM International Symposium
on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2006) will
take place in Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, in conjunction with the the 9th
ACM Int'l Symposium International Symposium on Modeling,
Analysis, Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems.
Symposium Objectives
DS-RT 2006 serves as a forum for simulationists from academia, industry
and research labs, for presenting recent research results in Distributed
Simulation and Real Time Applications. DS-RT 2006 targets the growing
overlap between large distributed simulations and real time applications,
such as collaborative virtual environments. The conference features
prominent invited speakers as well as papers by top researchers in the
field. DS-RT 2006 will include contributed technical papers, invited
papers, and panel discussions. The proceedings will be published by
IEEE-CS press.
Call for Papers
DS-RT is intended to provide an international forum for the discussion
and presentation of original ideas, recent results and achievements by
researchers, students, and systems developers on issues and challenges
related to distributed simulation and real time applications. Authors
are encouraged to submit both theoretical and practical results of
significance. Demonstration of new tools/applications is very desirable.
The scope of the symposium includes, but is not limited to:
o- Collaborative Virtual Environments, e.g. interactive Virtual Reality,
human communication through immersive environments, shared object
o- Multi-modal collaborative systems, e.g. collaborative future
workspaces, psychological issues of collaborative VR;
o- Interactive Simulation in Entertainment and Games;
o- Applications of Distributed Simulation, e.g., Real Time, large
distributed simulation systems;
o- Agent Based Distributed Simulation, e.g., multi-agent based simulation,
parallel and distibuted simulation of multi-agent systems;
o- Real-Time application modeling for QoS evaluation;
o- Algorithms and Studies relating to existing protocols, e.g., HLA,DIS,
event synchronization, network time protocols;
o- Data Distribution Management, Interest Management, Multi-resolution
modeling and Dead-Reckoning Mechanisms;
o- Current Critical Design Issues,