Country: Turkey (TUR)
We invite researchers and practitioners working in the areas of supply chain management and logistics to the 10th Annual Workshop on Supply Chain and Logistics, which will be held at Bilkent University on Friday, May 27, 2016.
This one‐day workshop brings together researchers and practitioners interested in supply chain management and logistics. Those interested in presenting at the workshop should submit either a close‐to‐finished manuscript or a recently accepted/published paper to one of the organizers by April 1, 2016. These manuscripts will be reviewed and a selected set of papers will be presented and discussed at the workshop. Since it is a one‐day event, the number of talks we can schedule will be limited. More detailed information about the program will be announced in early May on the workshop web page:
There will be no registration fee for the workshop. However, as the capacity of the facility is limited, we encourage early registration through
A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the university dorms and guest housing to accommodate the participants. If you need accommodation, please register (and specify the dates of your accommodation) as soon as possible but no later than May 13, 2016.
Çağın Ararat [email protected]
Ayşe Selin Kocaman [email protected]
Alper Şen [email protected]